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What does "a new game" mean? ♥️♣️♦️♠️

Writer's picture: Ewa GórnaEwa Górna

Updated: May 3, 2019

Whilst having a relaxing weekend ... planning lessons for the next week 😝 I came up with a new idea.

I was browsing various books looking for materials when an activity from Brainy 5 caught my attention. It was a simple activity practising vocabulary and two phrases:

What does ... mean?


What's ... in Polish?

Naturally, I spent the next 3 to 4 hours obsessing about how to put my own spin on it to make it more fun and more .... Montenglish 😝 It's now been 6 hours from the moment I saw the activity and I am writing this post to share my new material with you 😁

You are looking at a new card game practising 6 different classroom phrases and the vocab from Brainy 5 Unit 1 (and a bit more). There are two different types of cards: ones with words in English and ones with words in Polish. Here's how to play the game:

  1. deal 7 cards to each player (I'd suggest up to 4 people playing)

  2. leave the rest of the cards in the middle

  3. in turns players pick one of their cards

  4. the aim is to find a card with the right translation:

  • if the card has a English word on it they have to ask "What does 'windy' mean?"

  • if the card had an Polish word on it they have to ask "What's "wietrznie" in English?"

  • if they ask the wrong question they miss a turn

  1. they chose a specific player to answer this question:

  • if this specific player has the right card they have to say "I think it's 'wietrznie'"/"I think it's 'windy' " and give their card to the player asking the question

  • if the specific player doesn't have the right card they say "I'm sorry, I don't know", in turn making the player asking the question draw a card from the stack of cards in the middle

  1. the game ends when there are no cards left in the middle

  2. the player with most pairs at the end wins the game

  3. if one of the players has no cards left but there are still cards in the middle, they draw 5 new cards and continue playing

  4. special cards: some card have "x2" written under the word. This means that the player asking the question has to ask another question in order to get the card from another player: "Could you repeat that, please?". If "x2" is written in red you have to ask the question; if "x2" is written in grey you know you have to hear this question and answer it before you give away your card. If the player asking the question gets it wrong the player answering the question gets to keep their card. This way the player keeping the card gets to ask the question when their turn comes and get the pair instead of loosing it

  5. special cards: some cards have "A-B-C" written on them. This means that the player asking the question has to ask another question in order to get the card from another player: "How do you spell it?". If it's written in red you have to ask the question; if it's written in grey you know you have to hear this question and answer it before you give away your card. If the player asking the question get it wrong the player answering the question gets to keep their card. This way the player keeping the card gets to ask the question when their turn comes and get the pair instead of loosing it

My, it sounds complicated when I'm typing it but trust me it's not 😅

All of the cards have the right question on the reverse: if it's a card with a Polish word, it has "What's ... in English" written on the back.

This way all the players control whether the question being asked is the correct one. To get the cards looking like this simply print the back side first in as many copies as you need, put the paper back into the printer and print the words on the other side of the same sheets of paper.

And there you go. One game to practise vocabulary and classroom language. I'm also going to use the cards to test the kids when testing time comes.

What's cool about those cards is that you may also print the back side of the cards and simply write any vocabulary you want to practise on them. This way students may revise classroom language throughout the school year using different vocabulary items each time.

If any of the rules aren't clear for you, don't hesitate to ask about them in the comments section below 😊

Have fun creating,

Ewa :)

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